Employee of the Month: Rocio Martinez

Our September employee of the month is one of our amazing social workers, Rocio Martinez! Rocio was originally brought on as an intern, where her compassionate nature and strong organizational skills allowed her to thrive. 

Read on to learn what initially sparked her interest in working with EA Family Services, how she practices self-care, and more!

Employee of the Month Rocio Martinez

What does your best day on the job look like?

When you work in this field you experience many emotional and situational ups and downs, but ultimately our goal is always to see the children happy and successful. That can look different depending on the situation; sometimes it's seeing the child adopted, sometimes it's seeing them returned to their biological family, we really just want to help them be successful. 

What advice would you give to those interested working in your field?

Like I said, this job can be tough and take you through a lot of different emotional highs and lows. You need a strong work family foundation, but if you have that you really can conquer it all!

What's something about you that would surprise most people?

People are often surprised when I tell them that one of my favorite hobbies is to go hiking. Put me on a hiking trail that leads to a waterfall and I'll be a very happy girl! 
