Employee of the Month: Rebecca Schimp

This month we're pleased to feature one of our amazing Social Workers for Employee of the Month. Rebecca Schimp originally came to us as a potential foster parent, and during the certification process decided "that's the job I want." Read on to learn more about Rebecca, including what she wish people knew about working in the industry, how she practices self care, and more!

Employee of the Month: Rebecca Schimp What does your best day on the job look like?

I really like doing home visits with the parents that I've developed relationships with, and getting to know the children. 

What do you wish more people knew about working in your field?

That it's all about relationships and trust. Change and growth won't happen until everyone involved has a chance to build that foundational trust. 

How do you practice self care?

Being with my family. I have two kids and I've been married for 15 years. I enjoy going camping, watching my kids play soccer, and showing pigs. 

What's a hidden talent you have, or something about you that would surprise most people?

I'm really good at procrastinating. 
