Employee of the Month: Heather Paiva, Facility Manager

What originally made you want to work with EA? Heather Paiva, Facility Manager

EA's family atmosphere is what initially drew me in.

Describe what your best day on the job looks like:

The best day on the job is when I'm able to teach a kiddo something new.

What do you wish people knew about working in your field?

I wish that people understood that patience provides opportunities.

How do you practice self care?

I usually practice self-care with alone or quiet time—often times with a book.

What's a hidden talent you have, or something about yourself that would surprise most people?

People might be surprised to discover that I'm actually super funny and detached!

Anything else you'd like to add?

All 15 of my years with EA have been amazing. I’m in love with my passion. Helping hands, open heart is my policy!


