Employee of the Month: Erik Seitzer, Accounts Receivable Clerk

What originally made you want to work with EA? Erik Seitzer, Accounts Receivable

The people who work here & the values of the company. We are a big family that truly cares about the well-being of each other as well as all of our clients. We help people & that matters to me a lot.

Describe what your best day on the job looks like:

My main focus is getting checks & money into the bank as quickly & accurately as possible. I also do billing for THP & Mental Health Clients and upload NOAs from the county which indicate the client's rate & terms. I reach out to various counties to collect money as well, to fix discrepancies between the counties & EA.

What do you wish people knew about working in your field?

It's a lot of mental work on the computer, but the key to my job is determination & being very meticulous because things have to be accurate in my field. There's a lot more problem-solving than most would think.

How do you practice self care?

I love to go hiking with my dog as well as spend time with my family & friends. Being in nature, going on trips to new & old destinations. Walking on the beach & by lakes/rivers is one of my favorite acts of self-care. I also enjoy watching all sports, especially my 3 favorite teams: the Golden State Warriors, the Raiders & the Oakland A's.

What's a hidden talent you have, or something about yourself that would surprise most people?

I was the caretaker for my Grandpa for many years which was a very special time in my life. I have spent most of my life working for banks & before that, I was a Realtor in Quincy. I have lived in various places within California, from Quincy to Calistoga to Santa Rosa to San Diego, then back to Quincy, Portola & then to the Truckee/Tahoe area. I ended up in the Clear Lake area, but of course, being brought up in Quincy since 2nd grade, I had to come back to live in the Sierra Mountains.

Anything else you'd like to add?

I'm very thankful for the EA Family. When I started, everyone here made me feel so welcome, especially Kim—she greeted me with a smile & even remembered me from when I worked at US Bank. She gave me a very warm welcome to the company which I will never forget. My thoughts & prayers go out to the entire Dorris Family. What they created is truly something beautiful that is making a difference within so many communities & families. It's an honor & privilege to be here.

