Leadership Spotlight: Kylie Martinez, Social Work Supervisor

Please describe your background, and what led you to EA: Kylie Martinez and family

EA is a very family-oriented organization and I believe in their mission and core values when it comes to supporting families. When I was in my Master's program, I was able to start my career at EA and they were nothing but supportive in my educational goals, career goals, and personal growth.

What experiences early in life contributed to your success with EA?

When I was younger, I always knew I had a passion for helping others. My eyes were opened to foster care through a family friend and I saw how it affected the child and the family as a whole. From then on, I knew I wanted to help children and families go through a transition that they are not necessarily in control of.

What advice would you give to someone interested in working with youth in foster care?

The advice I would give to someone interested in working with youth is that you have to be open-minded and not let your biases take over. You have to put all judgments and beliefs aside and meet the clients where they are at.

What do you enjoy doing when you're not at work?

I enjoy spending time with my family and friends when I am not at work. In my free time I enjoy being involved in the kids' school and volunteering for the parent-teacher club or watching them play sports. I am really competitive and enjoy watching my kids love sports as much as I do!

What's a hidden talent you have, or something about yourself that would surprise most people?

I recently started golfing. Since I am so competitive, I thought the sport was too slow. But once I picked up the club and found out I was good at it, I have been addicted! It is also fun to have the whole family out on the course doing something together.

Anything else you'd like to add?

I have enjoyed working with EA—I have grown and continue to grow and learn from the leadership above me. I strive to be the best I can be to support my staff and co-workers. My passion is to help others and support them in whatever that looks like.

