Employee of the Month: Arika Harrison, Case Manager

What originally made you want to work with EA? Case Manager Arika Harrison

In 2019 I was looking to put my new BA in Psychology to use and came across a job listing for Support Counselor—plus, the name of the organization intrigued me. I did some research and had a strong feeling I would be a good fit. Six months after being a Support Counselor, the opportunity to be a Case Manager presented itself and I jumped at the chance to further my professional growth.

Describe what your best day on the job looks like:

Seeing the look of pride on a client's face when telling me about a goal they successfully accomplished.

What do you wish people knew about working in your field?

It can be an emotional rollercoaster with plenty of highs, lows, and sharp turns, but it can also be very rewarding. Having a great support system to fall back on during the tough days is extremely helpful and necessary.

How do you practice self care?

I like to go on spontaneous day trips, sometimes with or without my son. Other times, depending on how busy the work week has been, I will stay home and watch TV while eating my favorite snacks.

What's a hidden talent you have, or something about yourself that would surprise most people?

I am a shy person and can appear standoffish because of it, but once I get comfortable around new people I can be quite the chatterbox!

