Employee of the Month: Leslie Naseath


What originally made you want to work with EA?
I was transitioning from helping family to moving closer to other family and when the ad came up on Indeed, I thought, why not? Kismet?

Describe what your best day on the job looks like:
My best day on the job varies. It could be resource parents and kiddos working through something or saying goodbye to a youth due to reunification and being able to be there for my families, the youth, and the bio family. Another good day is when all is quiet so I can feel good about getting reports, case notes, and other paperwork done, which as many of you know doesn't happen often.

I do appreciate the support from all if there is a concern and I need some suggestions offered. Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a great team to accomplish all we do!!!

What do you wish people knew about working in your field?
How much communication, collaboration, and hard/heart work goes into making a single foster placement and hoping the match is a good fit :) And that's not to mention the countless behind the scenes activities of the EA team and the efforts to constantly rise above and provide the best services possible.

How do you practice self care?
I love to crochet and have recently taken up painting. Lots of zoom opportunities on Facebook to paint. I also hang out with family and friends playing board games, corn hole, swimming at Lake Almanor and BBQing, and also catching up on how everyone has been doing "coviding."

What's a hidden talent you have, or something about yourself that would surprise most people?
Buying my son tattoo equipment so I can get more tatts!!! lol:)

Anything else you'd like to add?
My story is not one I like to reflect on yet I have and it's taught me to survive and thrive. I am grateful each day for the opportunity I have to walk on a journey with others and hope to offer something to each and every one.
