Employee of the Month: Mercedes N. Robinson

One of our amazing social workers, our employee of the month is Mercedes N. Robinson! Starting with us as an intern, Mercedes was inspired to stay with our organization after witnessing the company's dedication to their employees and the people they served. Read on to learn more about how she practices self care, a hidden talent she possesses, and more!

Mercedes N. Robinson

What does your best day on the job look like? 

Doing my best to help others and make a positive impact on someone else's day. One small act or gesture can go a long way, especially if someone is having a tough time. 

What do you wish people knew about working in your field? 

It's priceless!! Yes, there are challenging days, and days when you feel like your best isn't enough... but then there are also awesomely fantastic days where you see all your hard work pay off. You see that you really are making a difference, and it's priceless. Plus it's super heart melting when I hear my daughters say they want to help people just like their mom. 

How do you practice self care? 

Sundays we do outings. I put all homework and paperwork aside and get out of the house. It's perfect self care, and a great way to get some family time in. Either we go to the park, the lake, go hiking, or to the beach. 

What's something about yourself that would surprise people? 

I can walk and chew gum at the same time, which is amazingly surprising because I'm basically a girl version of Goofy. 

Anything else you'd like to add? 

"Behind me is infinite power, before me is endless possibility, around me is boundless opportunity." 

- Anonymous 


