Leadership Spotlight: Tatiana Caoagdan

Tatiana Caoagdan

Please describe your background, and what led you to EA:
I was an Administrator for a group home, and after eight years of working with teens, I wanted to know what happened to the youth after they turned 18. A former colleague informed me of an opening for a Case Manager position at EA, and it just seemed like an excellent opportunity to finally serve this population in a different capacity.

What experiences early in life contributed to your success with EA?
Aside from coming from a third world country and having plenty of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), I have to say that whatever success I have in EA and life came from God, his favor, and his goodness to me. Aside from this, my mentors, whom I have frustrated to no end (old bosses, Rehmana, and Jenna) and my Sacramento Team, who are so open to being pushed to become the best people they can be!

What advice would you give to someone interested in working with youth in foster care?
Have an anchor because it's not easy. Look around you and be thankful for the support in your life because, for the youths we work with, you might be that person! Be flexible; you'll need it. If you want to learn patience, then this is the best place to learn it.

What do you enjoy doing when you're not at work?
Spending time with my son, my church family and connecting with my family in the Philippines. I also love nature and have many hobbies I resort to when I'm alone.

What's a hidden talent you have, or something about yourself that would surprise most people?
I'm an ambivert and ambidextrous. The only thing I can use my left hand with is writing.

Anything else you'd like to add?
Yes, thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts. Also, shoutout to the Sacramento team because they are dedicated and passionate about their work and the clients we serve. Thank you, Jenna and Rehmana, for trusting me.
